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October 23
10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
University of New Orleans University Center
You are invited to join your peers, UL System staff, and Dr. Maurice Stinnet, Vice President of Diversity and Inclusion at BSE Global for a workshop to promote equity, diversity, and inclusion. The Universities of Louisiana are committed to mirroring the populations we serve and seek to serve. We encourage you to attend this workshop and to promote an inclusive culture at your campus.
Contact Anne McKisson with questions 225-219-0096
The assignment, centered on the Inclusion and Workplace report produced by the System’s Diversity and Inclusion Task Force, will allow you to:
The workshop includes a significant amount of time in breakout groups. Your breakout group includes your colleagues in similar roles from the nine UL System member institutions. Your assignment, in addition to reading and digesting the Task Force report, is to identify 1-2 specific opportunities to advance equity, diversity and inclusion in your area of responsibility. It can be something that is a quick hit, low hanging fruit, or something that is more complex with high, sustainable impact. It can be a specific recommendation provided by the Task Force report.
You will share your identified opportunities at the start of the breakout session. The group will choose one or two opportunities for the group to problem solve with the balance of the time. Following the session, the groups will present their problems and solutions. We will distribute contact information for fellow group members to help you stay connected along this journey driving equity, diversity and inclusion.
Note: all ideas will be captured during your breakout session, even though you will only dive into 1-2 while onsite.
Dr. Maurice A. Stinnett is the first African American male Vice President of Diversity and Inclusion for an NBA team - the Brooklyn Nets.
Dr. Stinnett brings over 15 years of experience in diversity, inclusion, equity, social justice and multicultural education. Dr. Stinnett uses his extensive business, management, and planning skills to ensure high-quality diversity, equity and inclusion programs and efficient business practices for all stakeholders and institutions.
The workshop begins at 10 a.m. to allow for travel time, but the hotels listed below offer government rates and are conveniently located for those who may need to drive in October 22.